Thursday, October 29, 2009


Abdul Rasul Yassin
I am pinched by the number of members of parliament in the August house।As a member of parliament; you’re the representative of the students in that constituency। What really do three members of parliament per each constituency do in the parliament?
To me such an act of over crowding in parliament brings hypocrisy among the leaders.
First of all where I come from,Mugejjera I only know of Hon Hassan who is the mess minister because he is always to the attention of his members and to me such a representative is enough to represent the views of the members of a constituency.
The Guild president accepted the recent percentage increase in tuition fee just because he wanted to cater for the allowances of the crowded number of politicians in the August house so the president should do something on this issue. Otherwise they are getting allowances for free. It pains some of us when S.B.A the largest school in the university is not represented in any interschool/association debates championships at campus.Where are you the so called politicians of S.B.A?
Please revive the constitution to reduce on the number of the dormant members in parliament.

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