Saturday, June 27, 2009

The magic behind letter ‘O’.

By James Mubi.
I do not understand the magic behind letter ‘O’ for example Obama, Ofwono Opondo, Okebe, Odia, Odinga, Okurut, Odonga Otto, the list is endless. But there is one common element associated with letter ‘O’ and that’s success. Obama is the president of America, Okebe is the guild president of Nkumba, Odinga is the Premier of Kenya, Odia is the Prime minister of Nkumba.
Here is the success of Okebe and Odia.Okebe and Odia. These two gentlemen knew about their political career long before you knew about it, they laid the foundation and drew the political roadmap by having what every successful politician would do and that’s nothing but common touch, it means identifying yourself with the wanaichi. Both are charismatic leaders, they listen and take action appropriately, much as they never had bags of money.
Mukasa Marius. This gentleman had little money, though he appeared in a rav4 on open air campaigns, it is alleged that this aspirant couldn’t afford mineral water for his taskforce. One of his campaign agents was quoted to have said “he only gave me1000 shs and for that matter, I can’t do much for him”. However, he was a good public speaker and a good political analyst. Some say that he would have made it, had he gone for School of law representative than risking for a high post.
Opolot Simon. He is a soft spoken guy, ‘mukwata mpola’ and the final nail in his political career was hammered when he showed students certificates he had instead of convincing them on issues he had stood for. Perhaps, had he gone through, every student would have had a chance to fly to Dubai, Old Trafford, Soroti, and Anifield. However, his saving grace is that he works well in teamwork. Opolot failed to make it because he made a coalition with Okebe and was promised a big post.
Mirembe Sophie. I compare her with the “wall street” candidates of America because she had money that could buy booze, lavished money on bringing celebrities like GNL Zamba, Aziz Azion, Benon to capture the minds and hearts of students, printed over 200 T-shirts which have become Sunday’s best and to others an ordinary wear, look around lecture rooms and allover campus, you will see them. She really helped tens of thousands with clothing.
By the way, did you know that on open air campaigns, Sophie had camped in Pan Africa helping herself with vodka, the reason could have been getting ‘Dutch’ courage.Sophie committed political suicide on open air campaigns when she fainted after giving her speech. Her opponents made political capital of her mistakes and the momentum she had gained vanished in thin air. Sources close to her told the Nkumba Times that Sophie was not a good public speaker, neither could she answer questions paused to her during her campaign trail.
Apollo Oloo John. He picked up steam on open air campaigns when students sympathized with his arm which he alleged that he was attacked the previous night by his opponents and students showered him with votes on Friday. However, as events unfolded, students did not believe his story, they drew away their attention of sympathy and when it came to the final day of voting, his dreams of becoming the guild captain were shattered when Okebe got a massacre of votes.

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