Saturday, June 27, 2009

The rise and fall of Sophie.

The rise and fall of Sophie.
By Philemon Badagawa.
You can’t believe that a cat can make noise where a lion is. At the beginning everyone knew that Sophie had won the race. “President Wafe….. Mirembe……….” was the song that inspired most men to support her in the first days of the campaigns.It should be remembered that Sophie had a lot of support at the beginning, simply because she had her money to influence the supporters.
Most people had already declared her as the president since she used to have a big following. As the saying goes “a crying flog cannot deter a cow from taking water from a well”, Okebe wasn’t scared.However, that was not the case that led to Sophie’s down fall; there were several factors that could have contributed to her failure. And if you haven’t been informed, Nkumba Times brings you a list of factors that might have led to her failure.
Poor communication skills is said to have contributed a lot towards her flopping as this was witnessed on several occasions. It is said that before addressing students, she could first inquire from her agents what to tell the students.It is alleged that even before talking to five people, Sophei could first consult her agents.It is also said that most of the campaigning agents had at one time been declared political failures. Therefore it was not a surprise for her to become a political failure too.
Corruption among her agents also could have played a great role towards her failure. Sources say that on several occasions, these agents could be given money to give the suppoters, but it failed to reach the right people. As a result, most supporters also had to deny her the votes. It is alleged that these agents could only divert the money to their girlfriends and booze.
Sophie lacked confidence in herself; this was witnessed during the open air campaigns when she almost collapsed after giving her speech which became the last killer .On realizing that she had few supporters, Sophie lost the confidence and the hope of becoming the president.

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