Saturday, June 27, 2009

A baby named after Okebe.

By James Mubi.
At a round 7:00am, on Saturday, may 23rd , a sea of students had gathered outside the guild café anxiously waiting for the final results. The first day results had gone in favor of Apollo with 265 votes and his arch rival Okebe garned 211 votes, in the third place was Sophie with 156 votes.So the race was reduced from 5 to only 2 candidates.
Okebe on realizing that Apollo was mounting strong challenge and obstructing his political career, he called an urgent meeting on Friday, at 9:00pm, May 22nd , the meeting was attended by many public figures like Mukasa Marius. While addressing his supporters, Okebe strongly urged his taskforce to drum up support among students who had not voted to overturn Friday results. Inside sources told Nkumba Times, that Okebe made a gentleman’s coalition with Opolot since he had influence on weekend students, and as the saying goes “if you can not beat them, join them.” Opolot had no option but to accept, these gentlemen come from Bukedea district and have a lot in common. Opolot was promised a juicy post in the guild.
Some of the disgruntled Sophie supporters voted for Okebe on Saturday.As the counting process was still going on, the name Okebe became a ‘song’ to everybody since victory was smiling on him. Okebe got 624 votes, Apollo-479 votes, Sophie-229 votes, Opolot-75 votes and Marius-21 votes. The whole place erupted with happiness when Okebe emerged the winner, a stampede of his supporters moved a round vogue, S&S and formed Okebe ‘jam’ at Kasenyi road where every vehicle, bodaboda, bicycle had to pay tribute to his excellence Okebe.
Police came at the scene when the crowd had already departed. Okebe is now a household name at campus and its vicinity, a baby was named Nathan O after his victory in Abaita Ababiri.

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