Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Lulume attacks NRM

By Walter Ddebo
The Hon. Member of Parliament for Buikwe South Dr. Bayiga Lulume made bitter remarks while officiating at a hand over ceremony for Basoga Nsete on 17 at Comfort hotel.
Mr. Lulume expressed disappointment with the NRM government for refusing to grant federal to Buganda, he went a head to condemn the recent riots that savaged Kampala following the governments move to block the Kabaka of Buganda Ronald Muwenda Mutebi from visiting Bugerere. The riots left more than 15 people dead and hundreds sustained multiple injuries. Mr. Lulume spoke disappointingly about Basoga who have decided not to take their children to school simply because they can depend on “mboli” and sugar canes to earn a living but praised those who have done their best in securing especially University education for their children. He challenged students to fight corrupt official at all stages of governance and have zero-tolerance for corruption. Lulume according to Nkumba Times’ sources, he intending to stand for Presidency come 2016 on DP ticket. While briefing the press at Comfort Hotel, he praised Nkumba Times reporters for their dedicated services in journalism and called up the Guild to respect the press because it’s the fourth estate of the government.

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