Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Again,thae Law school-Guild elections.

By Andrew Kiwanuka

As the tenure for the current guild administration approaches its last days, a number of students have declared their intentions to stand for the various posts. Okebe,the outgoing guild president seems to have opened the doors for his colleagues from the school of law who for long were not bothered in contesting for guild offices or if they did ,they always lost.,
This time round, the race is likely to be more competitive than ever before with the school of law fronting nearly seven candidates.
It is thought that Mahande Kago Joshua, the current guild speaker ,Lufunya Derick who served as the chief justice in Okebe’s reign before falling out with the members of parliament and the embattled former national UNSA speaker Appollo Olloo John who was in the same race last year will have to tussle it out with their counterparts from the same school.
Despite the school having the smallest number of students or votes for that matter, there seems to be excessive desire for university politics and unfortunately they seem to look at only one position _the guild presidency.
The deputy speaker Catherine Khalayi who is accused of failing to put up a good show when she got chance to conduct the two sessions when her boss was away is also from the same school. Others are little known Cleophus Akiiki Mbabazi and Tony Kiyimba who hopes to capitalise on his contributions to Nkobazambogo is also in the race this time.
It is alleged that Lubega Jude who claims to be the deputy health minister amidst protests from his appointing authorities is yet to decide whether he should stand for the same position or give his support to thegirlfriend Vannesa who is also confused of which position to vie for.
”Should my girlfriend Vanessa insist on contesting for the presidency ,then I will either stand for prime ministership or devote all my time in campaigning for her”,said Jude.
It should be remembered that the school that takes the top job has always ended up taking all other executive positions in the guild forexample the current executive headed by Okebe Nathan who is from the school of law has lubega Andrew,Mahande Joshua,Cathy Khalayi,and Manzi Andrew all from the same school as other executive members.
This constitute a 99.8 percentage with the remaining seats going to Odia Robert and Opolot Smon Luke from the school of education and social sciences respectively.
It is yet to be clear whether some presidential hopefuls will give way to their seemingly weaker or stronger personalities but whatever the case , the next guild president and perhaps the prime minister will come from the school of law.

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