Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Eat well long live.

.By Oria Ronald
Scientific evidence reinforcing the importance of key whole food nutrient in maximizing health, vitality, and longevity continues to mount.
Too much of the wrong food sets a cause for diseases. A study published in August ,2007 issue of the Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) calls for attention to the severe health risks associated with our western diet, which is grossly deficient in whole food nutrients from fruits, vegetables, grains and fish but excessive in processed fats, carbohydrates and calories. While evaluating colorectal cancer recurrence, researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston demonstrated that 80% of all colorectal cancer cases were both directly or indirectly attributable to the western industrialized eating habit and preventable with dietary change. There recommendation for reducing this risk a prudent diet rich in fruits, vegetables, poultry and fish.
Getting in abundance of the right food is the path to long term health. As published in the July 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from Monash University and the cancer council of Victoria, the University of Melbourne report that, “this combination of fruits, vegetables, and omega-3 dietary content is believed to have anti oxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti thrombotic properties that reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 30%”. These nutrients have also been shown to lower the rate of incidence for obesity and various cancers.
Much of the nutrients in our foods is lost during the industrial growing and processing! According to a research from Wageningen University in Holland published in the November 2005 issue of journal of food chemistry, nearly every phase of processing food “farm to fork” reduces the level of healthy phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables.
Modern industrialized diets are directly linked to diseases. The diet that has dominated the industrial world for the last few decades is directly related to the epidemic of chronic disease. Foods consumed by the average human today are not only energy-dense and nutrient-deficient, but also lack nutritional diversity fundamental to healthy human bio chemistry. Overflowing with processed fats, carbohydrates and chemicals that are alien to the human food chain, modern diet lives us overfed, under-nourished and needlessly exposed to vitality robbing health problems, like obesity, pressure, diabetes etc.
Whole food supplementation is the only strategy that works. Because changing our diets is not an easy or convenient transition for someone who is living in a quick pace of the modern industrialized world. But we know that nutritional supplementation that is well formulated and derived from whole food sources actually found in the human food chain can fill in the gaps left by the modern industrialized diet. It supports our body in producing energy and promoting vitality and long life.

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