Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Money talks, but at miss Nkumba contest it walked.

By Philimon Badagawa
  The crowning of Miss Nkumba which was held at the Vice President’s Katomi Kingdom resort was graced by dissatisfaction as it left many students wondering how the money obtained from the function was utilized. The beauty pageant which had a good audience at the beginning ended with a few countable people to offer the audience. This was blamed on the organizers of the function for failing to pay Bebe Cool after his performance.
  It’s reported that Moses Ssali a.k.a Bebe Cool almost wanted to exchange brows with the organizers after failing to offer him payments. The occasion came to a standstill for about two hours, lights went off and most members started leaving the venue. This attracted Bukenya’s attention and he later paid Bebe Cool. It is from this point of view that students came to realize that most of the organizers had walked away with the money that they had collected from the tickets. Its reported that some of the members who were behind the organization are still on the run and no one knows their where about.
  The students were promised free transport to and from the venue but to their dismay, most of them failed to get access to this free service. Sources revealed that some students footed for many kilometers back to campus. Given the fact that Katomi Kingdom Resort is located far off Entebbe high way and the function ended in the lee hours of the night, students could hardly get a tax to bring them to campus.
  Despite of all this, students blame the organizers for failing to put the function to a nearby venue. “They would have put the function at Ssese gate way beach because the distance is a bit considerable.” a student said. However, the organizers claim that they could not turn down the Vice President’s offer (Prof. Gilbert Bukenya) who offered a free venue to Nkumba for holding the beauty queen contest.
  Sheila Peyton who was the winner won over 3 million shillings worth of tuition fees for a full year and a home theatre among other small items. Doreen Kabereebe the 1s runner- up  and Christine Nagawa  2nd runner- up  each won a home theatre system. But they doubt whether they will get their prizes. Basing on the previous Beauty contests held at Nkumba, their prizes are always of a  “kiwani” type (not genuine).
The last time Miss Nkumba beauty contest was held, the winner had to be given a car but the car was instead hired for a few weeks after which the owner started claiming for his car. You can guess the disappointment this girl had after enjoying the drive for a few weeks.
This forced the Dean of students to stop the guild from organizing for similar function not until last year when they were allowed to do so. The guild president however affirms that the prizes are genuine this time.

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