Thursday, March 18, 2010

Nkumba Varsity Cultural day set

By James Mubi

Cultural day is a top item on the social calendar of Nkumba as various cultures showcase their art, music, dressing code among other intellectual aspects to a press of people.
The 17th cultural gala is scheduled to take place on 27 March at Ssese gateway beach where 20 cultural associations will take part these include Baganda Nkobazambogo, Basoga Nsette, Rwanda students cultural association among others.
The theme for this year’s cultural day is cultural tolerance, peace and prosperity and

Six items will be presented on that day; these include a traditional dialogue of how you greet and welcome visitors, dressing, food preparation, folk songs, and cultural anthem all in the context of culture among others.

All cultural associations are to get two hundred shillings as facilitation fee from the guild. However, during a meeting of cultural heads that took place in PK Mukasa room at the law school on Monday 15, the Cultural Minster Mr. Kinene Isaac told member of the meeting that the guild executive sat and reached a resolution that in the meantime, fifty thousand shilling should be distributed out to each association as in what the executive termed as committeement to training.
Eyebrows were raised on amount of money the guild has given out “I’m very unhappy with two hundred shilling because for us we are over two hundred students, how will that money help us,” Mugabe Robert Sectary Banyakitala cultural students association lamented.

Other cultural heads suggested to off call the event on grounds of insufficient funds, this generated a remark from the State Minster for culture Mr. Okello Patrick “By now we expected you to be with some money on your account through lobbying to top up the two hundred shillings,” he said.

The guild president Okebe Nathan told Nkumba Times that the event will be colorful because it’s the last event that sends off the guild and compensates for the guild activities that relatively flopped citing an example of Miss Nkumba beauty contest. In the evening after super cultural day becomes the talk of the night as most associations practice at that moment up to 10pm.

When Nkumba Times reached the managers of the venue, a lady identified as Mama Nalongo said drinks will go at two thousand five hundred shillings and food at five thousand on that day.
The Cultural Minister Kinene Isaac has continuously sealed his lips on who will be the guest of honor. However, according to inside sources, odds are high on Hon. David Bahati of the controversial homosexuality bill.

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