Monday, June 15, 2009

3rd edition (2nd-8th.June.2009)

The journalism class on behalf of Nkumba Times would wish to congratulate Hon.Okebe Nathan for his wonderful and surprising victory as the guild president 2009-2010.Long live Nkumba Times, long live Okebe,”I owe you”

Okebe makes history.

Philemon Badagawa.
On a calm evening to those who had been declared political failures, Okebe’s supporters were enjoying their day. ”… is my day…” was the song. Just like a farmer who had just sold his fortunes of coffee bags, drones of joy covered the faces of his overwhelming supporters as they all joined to celebrate Okebe’s victory.Okebe became a song of the night which everyone had to enjoy. Even those who failed to sing at least managed to dance according to the tune of the music.
”President…. wafe….Okebe….”among other words made up the song. It should be recalled that at the beginning no one ever thought of Okebe’s victory. This was after his failure to print out posters in the first four days.But as a man, Okebe could strongly believe that even without posters he could still make it to the guild office. These words came to pass when he was declared the winner with a total of 624 votes.
It is alleged that most of his supporters had even lost hope. This was as a result of Sophie’s political influence. She proved more of a threat as she used to spend a lot of money on her supports.
It is on record that Okebe is the first of his kind to become a guild president from the law school and perhaps the only president who has won the race minus spending a lot of money. It is said that apart from buying a few drinks, nothing more was given out to his supporters. Just as his slogan was “promise less and achieve much” Nathan never promised heaven on Earth like most of his counterparts. As ever, Okebe is still a man of the people and he will remain a man of the people for ever and ever.

The magic behind letter ‘O’

James Mubi.
I do not understand the magic behind letter ‘O’ for example Obama, Ofwono Opondo, Okebe, Odia, Odinga, Okurut, Odonga Otto, the list is endless. But there is one common element associated with letter ‘O’ and that’s success. Obama is the president of America, Okebe is the guild president of Nkumba, Odinga is the Premier of Kenya, Odia is the Prime minister of Nkumba. Here is the success of Okebe and Odia.
Okebe and Odia. These two gentlemen knew about their political career long before you knew about it, they laid the foundation and drew the political roadmap by having what every successful politician would do and that’s nothing but common touch, it means identifying yourself with the wanaichi. Both are charismatic leaders, they listen and take action appropriately, much as they never had bags of money.
Mukasa Marius. This gentleman had little money, though he appeared in a rav4 on open air campaigns, it is alleged that this aspirant couldn’t afford mineral water for his taskforce. One of his campaign agents was quoted to have said “he only gave me
1000 shs and for that matter, I can’t do much for him”. However, he was a good public speaker and a good political analyst. Some say that he would have made it, had he gone for School of law representative than risking for a high post.
Opolot Simon. He is a soft spoken guy, ‘mukwata mpola’ and the final nail in his political career was hammered when he showed students certificates he had instead of convincing them on issues he had stood for. Perhaps, had he gone through, every student would have had a chance to fly to Dubai, Old Trafford, Soroti, and Anifield. However, his saving grace is that he works well in teamwork. Opolot failed to make it because he made a coalition with Okebe and was promised a big post.
Mirembe Sophie. I compare her with the “wall street” candidates of America because she had money that could buy booze, lavished money on bringing celebrities like GNL Zamba, Aziz Azion, Benon to capture the minds and hearts of students, printed over 200 T-shirts which have become Sunday’s best and to others an ordinary wear, look around lecture rooms and allover campus, you will see them. She really helped tens of thousands with clothing. By the way, did you know that on open air campaigns, Sophie had camped in Pan Africa helping herself with vodka, the reason could have been getting ‘Dutch’ courage.
Sophie committed political suicide on open air campaigns when she fainted after giving her speech. Her opponents made political capital of her mistakes and the momentum she had gained vanished in thin air. Sources close to her told the Nkumba Times that Sophie was not a good public speaker, neither could she answer questions paused to her during her campaign trail.
Apollo Oloo John. He picked up steam on open air campaigns when students sympathized with his arm which he alleged that he was attacked the previous night by his opponents and students showered him with votes on Friday. However, as events unfolded, students did not believe his story, they drew away their attention of sympathy and when it came to the final day of voting, his dreams of becoming the guild captain were shattered when Okebe got a massacre of votes.


The management of Nkumba Times in corroboration with all the journalism students extend their gratitude to Okebe Nathan for having successfully won the guild campaigns.Nkumba Times would wish to encourage all those contestants who never managed to make it to try next time. Let’s forget whatever has been happening and look forward to developing Nkumba University. We are all students and that is politics

Save the environment for a better tomorrow, at least plant a tree.

“A man eats where he works”

Philemon Badagawa.
As the saying goes,” a man eats where he works”several students came with the idea of forming associations with the aim of conning the contestants of their money. Besides the Law school, there existed the Nkumba University association for the disabled. Surprisingly; none of the members had any signs of disability. But as the contestants were looking for possible ways of gaining more support, no one could realize that such an association had never existed in the history of Nkumba.Mind you, this association existed for about 30minutes after which it rested in eternal ‘boozing’ and perharps,we are waiting for its resurrection come next year.
As if this wasn’t enough, the so called elders of social sciences came up with Nkumba University social science elders’ association (NUSSEA). Interestingly, the founder members of this association were freshers who had spent less than a year at compus.The major aim of this association was to get money for booze.This was realized when one of the funding members was hard complaining. This humble gentleman was not good at boozing but his fellow members had insisted that all the money was to be spent on booze ”if you don’t take booze, form your own association that can only take sodas” he was advised. Indeed it was too late for this gentleman to form his own association, but when Nkumba Times contacted him, he promised to form as many associations as he will next year.

A baby named after Okebe.

James Mubi.
At a round 7:00am, on Saturday, may 23rd , a sea of students had gathered outside the guild cafĂ© anxiously waiting for the final results. The first day results had gone in favor of Apollo with 265 votes and his arch rival Okebe garned 211 votes, in the third place was Sophie with 156 votes.So the race was reduced from 5 to only 2 candidates. Okebe on realizing that Apollo was mounting strong challenge and obstructing his political career, he called an urgent meeting on Friday, at 9:00pm, May 22nd , the meeting was attended by many public figures like Mukasa Marius. While addressing his supporters, Okebe strongly urged his taskforce to drum up support among students who had not voted to overturn Friday results. Inside sources told Nkumba Times, that Okebe made a gentleman’s coalition with Opolot since he had influence on weekend students, and as the saying goes “if you can not beat them, join them.” Opolot had no option but to accept, these gentlemen come from Bukedea district and have a lot in common. Opolot was promised a juicy post in the guild. Some of the disgruntled Sophie supporters voted for Okebe on Saturday.
As the counting process was still going on, the name Okebe became a ‘song’ to everybody since victory was smiling on him. Okebe got 624 votes, Apollo-479 votes, Sophie-229 votes, Opolot-75 votes and Marius-21 votes. The whole place erupted with happiness when Okebe emerged the winner, a stampede of his supporters moved a round vogue, S&S and formed Okebe ‘jam’ at Kasenyi road where every vehicle, bodaboda, bicycle had to pay tribute to his excellence Okebe.
Police came at the scene when the crowd had already departed. Okebe is now a household name at campus and its vicinity, a baby was named Nathan O after his victory in Abaita Ababiri.

“Dissertation” in 9months on the increase among first-year students.
They have been good at tight -marking than their mature counterparts.

Godfrey Ateu
It has been observed by medical personnels in the near by health centers, that the number of campus chics becoming pregnant is on the increase. Many of them have been flocking the various Ante-natal care centers for check up as it’s there first time to experience some abnormalities with their tummies.
In an interview with one of the experts on expectant mother-related issues, he said “these young girls have lost the plot, we expect girls who are in their final year “off layers”. They are sexually tired and over used, fit to be layed off in the campus vicinity to be the ones “tight-making” (shifting to the man’s home) and co-habiting because they no longer value hang-outs like Jeckers, S&S you name it.Thier dream is hooking up future husbands unfortunately not their colleagues, because they got no dimes to give the good life that all chics fancy but instead it’s the fresher’s.” Preferring to anormity.
Nkumba Times took time to find out in all the schools, and the observation was that SBA was leading in the “dissertation” becoming pregnant, with other schools like SHES, LAW, having the least number. On asking one girl who’s a victim of circumstance. Her response was, “I’m scared of going home when having a kid who has no father. My father will kill me because he knows I’m a good girl and I have now frustrated him. I will have to remain in my hostel until the end of my course.” .However, she is not the only one affected. She further alleged that many of her friends have succeeded in aborting, but for her, it’s too risky, and it seems to be a death threatening experience. She would rather have it than aborting.
This implies that many boys have been “Tree Climbing”, This is the practice where you are directly or indirectly displaced from your room because your roommates or roommates’ friend must entertain his girlfriend in the room.
When Nkumba Times, met with one of the Lectures to get his opinion on this issue, his response was that they are adults by virtue of being above 18 and campusers, they can decide for themselves.However, they are still young when it comes to parenting.


The school of education, SBA,
Law, SHES, &
SOSS, Extend their sincere appreciation to Nkumba Times for the great work they are doing in informing, entertaining, educating and transforming the society.Long live Nkumba,Long live Nkumba Times.

The rise and fall of Sophie.

Philemon Badagawa.
You can’t believe that a cat can make noise where a lion is. At the beginning everyone knew that Sophie had won the race. “President Wafe….. Mirembe……….” was the song that inspired most men to support her in the first days of the campaigns.

It should be remembered that Sophie had a lot of support at the beginning, simply because she had her money to influence the supporters. Most people had already declared her as the president since she used to have a big following. As the saying goes “a crying flog cannot deter a cow from taking water from a well”, Okebe wasn’t scared.

However, that was not the case that led to Sophie’s down fall; there were several factors that could have contributed to her failure. And if you haven’t been informed, Nkumba Times brings you a list of factors that might have led to her failure.

Poor communication skills is said to have contributed a lot towards her flopping as this was witnessed on several occasions. It is said that before addressing students, she could first inquire from her agents what to tell the students.
It is alleged that even before talking to five people, Sophei could first consult her agents.
It is also said that most of the campaigning agents had at one time been declared political failures. Therefore it was not a surprise for her to become a political failure too.

Corruption among her agents also could have played a great role towards her failure. Sources say that on several occasions, these agents could be given money to give the suppoters, but it failed to reach the right people. As a result, most supporters also had to deny her the votes. It is alleged that these agents could only divert the money to their girlfriends and booze.

Sophie lacked confidence in herself; this was witnessed during the open air campaigns when she almost collapsed after giving her speech which became the last killer .On realizing that she had few supporters, Sophie lost the confidence and the hope of becoming the president.

The flammers drama group.
On behalf of the management, actors, actresses, dancers, and fans, wish to extent their warm congratulations upon Okebe’s spectacular victory, His Excellence the President of Nkumba University. Long live Okebe, Long live the Flamers drama group.

Editorial: Philemon Badagawa & Godfrey Ateu,

In case you have any good stories, please send them for publication.

And if you have got any interesting jokes, feel free to forward them.

For Details Call 0774768961.

Does Your English Let You Down.

Ateu Godfrey.
A simple technique for acquiring a swift mastery of good English has just been announced, writes Ateu.It could double your power of self-expression. It could pay you real dividends in business and social advancement and give you added poise, self-confidence and personal effectiveness which is a disease to most campusers.

Many campusers do not realize how much they could influence others simply by speaking and writing with greater power, authority and precession. Whether you are in the school of business, health and environmental science, law, social science, education, industrial art, at social functions, or even in casual conversations with new acquaintances, you could dominate each situation simply by using the right word in the right way. Campusers are held back because their power of self-expression does not equal there other abilities especially on sex life.
For example, when you are presenting a report, training a child, fighting for a cause, making a sale, writing an essay, or asking for a rise…your success depends on the words you use. I like phrasing my request in this form “I do not know if you could be kind enough….” Doesn’t it sound soft and yet with great effect? It’s up to you to choose.
Their are many other ways you can phrase your request.
Yet thousands of talented intelligent campusers are held back because their power of self-expression does not equal their other abilities especially on sex life. But now the right words are yours to command! A free booklet, “Good English-the language of success,” tells you all about a remarkable home –study course which can give you a swift mastery of good English in just 20 minutes a day.
Never again need you fear those embarrassing mistakes. You could quickly and easily be shown how to ensure that everything you say and write is Crisp, Clear, Correct.
This amazing self-training method could show you how to increase your vocabulary, speed up your reading, enhance your powers of conversation and tremendously improve your grammar, writing and speaking-all in your spare time at home or hostel.
What’s more, you could command the respect of people who matter, because you could learn to use English accurately, impressively, incisively-to cut through many barriers to social academic or business and stop making it sound funny. Check it out in good bookshops or better still you can go to the British High commission Library.


The management of Nkumba Times, in corroboration with all the journalism students extend their gratitude to Odia Robert for having successfully won the guild Prime minister.Nkumba Times would wish to encourage all those contestants who never managed to make it to unit and work together for a common goal.

Have you ever liked acting, singing, dancing and be part of your active leisure, there is no much to question about it. Here comes a chance for everyone who feels he or she can do it, and even those who still doubt their dreams of acting, singing, and dancing to freely join us (THE FLAMMERS). It’s a new group with college style of acting, singing, and modern cultural dance. It is found in Nkumba University, and founded by willing students in a bid to entertain others in the campus, and countrywide. It is now time to wake up everybody in Nkumba University community by taking part in the entire production. We need (directors, producers, managers, fans, editor, actors, and actresses, and many others). We are meeting on every Wednesday at 8:00pm in SBA second floor, to lay the strategy, and also to distribute the roles to those willing to take part.
Together, we can link our university to others in the country, and the entire East Africa Region, with hard work and believe”.
See you when you all come for the first and great move to enjoy our acting and dancing talents in Nkumba University. For more information, call 0773416850
0754700633Or E-mail

Never mind “dream killer.

Podder Appolo cursta.
one thing that I really hate, is the dream killers. Many people be you friends, brothers, relatives, parents you name it, they will never like what you do, not until they realize that you are doing well that when they will be forced to stop discouraging and criticizing you.
I have seen and heard of many people being led away from their dreams by the so called “dream killers”, you may try everything your level best, but as long as you are with such people, I’m pretty sure, nothing will ever be achieved.
Some will go on to say, you can not do it even when what you are doing is seen and recognizable. Some do it out of ignorance, but some will be aiming at crippling your demanding future.
There are so many ways of stopping such shells from killing your dreams. Shells are people who talk a lot of nonsense about others. In a day, he may have nothing done by him or her, but he or she speaks rubbish about you. For example, if your dream is to become a pilot, and he is a teacher, he will say things like “why don’t you join education where you will take a few years to enjoy money”. Even your parents don’t have enough money to take you to any flying school in the country. And he will also explain to you all the dangers of becoming a pilot and the benefits of becoming a teacher like him.
Still he won’t stop saying, “Do you want to live, if you do, then you don’t risk becoming a pilot, they die anytime and when it crashes, no one survives.
To be sincere, I hate it and I could not advice a young campuser like you to go in for piloting”, he advices. This fellow in actual sense is aiming at nothing, but to shut your dreams. So, you better learn how to hold yourself when hanging out with them. Be careful and never take anything from them as important. Just consider your life and love any small achievement you have done in life.

Mugejjera celebrates.

Philemon Badagawa.
Locals in Abaita, a suburb in Entebbe, call the students neighbours of the University .But Mugejjera is a hall of residence located almost 2kms from the campus. However, despite of its distance, students are contented. They say that the hostel is strategically located since they are surrounded by a market and all the happening places for leisure.The students call themselves the “mighty men’. The trick behind this name is that the hall is unique from all other halls of residence.” You are welcome…..have you come to visit the jajjas (ancestral spirits), an elder of the hostel welcomes the Heroes. It was out of this organization that the students raised the money to celebrate.
Yesterday the mighty men had a uniting party in which they congratulated Okebe for his success.“Please where Okebe goes wrong, meet me any where ,and tell me your problems, am a man of the people”,Okebe said this while at the “Mighty Hall”. He added that the students sent him to the office and therefore he‘s ready to listen to them.
The occasion was attended by the president, his prime minister, Hon.Odia Robert, guild speaker among many other ministers and emceeing was Ateu Godfrey.

Why Busoga lags behind in terms of development.

Vicent Mukisa.

Busoga is a region located in the eastern part of Uganda. It’s comprising of districts like Iganga, Jinja, Kamuli, Mayuge, Namutumba, kaliro and Bugiri.
It’s the second largest region to Buganda accounting 20% of the population.
Despite of this, Busoga is one of the best supporting region of NRM, Busoga is considered to be among the underdeveloped regions in the country.
One would ask” why?” with all the materials necessary for development.
A number of views have been raised to account why Busoga lags behind.
Without excluding recommendations on the way forward in different aspects such as political social , culture ,and economical.
Socially Busoga is faced with poor roads, hospitals with no drugs you name it.
This has typically lowered the level of development. Culturally some Basoga have no love for their culture with all it’s norms .This has prevailed due to increased religious denominations.
Busoga is characterized with high rates of illiteracy , jealousy , hypocrisy, limited capital among other factors.
Politically, political influence of the government on cultural issues, say influencing cultural elections, lack of self esteemed leaders and above all the collapse of Jinja town can’t escape to be mentioned.Get details next time

Respect is a key to success.

Philemon Badagawa.
A story is told of young monkeys which had no respect for the elders and here Philemon writes.
A forest is on fire, golden flames are blazing up and down, young monkeys gather and start cheering at the burning forest. They watch the fire not knowing the consequences. An older monkey passes by and advices the young monkeys to run away for their dear lives.’ come and run with me”, the older monkey advises the young monkeys.
Since these young monkeys were stubborn and lacked respect for the elders, they failed to listen to the advice. The older monkey had no solution but to run for her dear life and left them behind.
The innocent and foolish younger monkeys were later surrounded by smoke and by the time they thought of running away, it was too late. They tried to run but they were choked by the smoke and the beautiful flames of fire finally burned them to ashes.
Everyone deserves respect and needs to respect others and perhaps had these young monkeys listened to the advice, they would not have perished in that way. It is therefore high time fellow students respected elders.

We need to look beyond boarders.

Rusoke Taddeo AKA.Cotman.
Though many think a university is an institution of intellectuals, this proved to be the opposite during the eve of the historical day that bring all contestants together to air out their views.
When Apollo Oloo John, who is seen as a potential political threat was bundled and beaten up by unknown assailants to reduce his political influence. He sustained a dislocation of the wrist joint of the left arm.
Apollo commonly known to many as Obama because of his Kenyan origin was beaten around mid-night of May 20th around his hostel near Word of life church Mpala. He later managed to escape when a boda boda rider intercepted the trio.
The victim later braved all the uncertainties and managed to address the audience the next day in arm sling.
It is at this point that fellow university students and visionary leaders to use the intellectual ability to beat their opponents and not the physical ability of muscle arts.
Nkumba University needs to be sold in a positive image and not headlines of chaos.
Individual differences in race, colour, tribe and ethnicity came to an end when Obama proved to the world .We need to look beyond boarders.

Did you know why man-utd failed to retain the champion’s league?

Richard Ojambo.
The title holders Manchester United are to blame them selves for not retaining the champion’s league trophy. One would wonder why united did not win the champions league yet they had the ability to do it.
History has it that, no team has ever defended the champion’s league since it changed the name. This means that united should not be over blamed as they tried their best to reach the finals. But to me I may say United deserved not to win back the champions league because of my few observations.
The long and good preparation of Barcelona. They had an organized team in that things concerning the domestic league were almost finished in a game Barcelona played with Real Madrid and won on 6-2 goals. This gave Pap gaduala chance to organize his men by resting his top guns and now focused on the champion’s league.
The class of players was also a factor. Comparing both teams (Man-Utd and Bercas) at paper, Barcelona had good and experienced players. In terms of world class players, Man U had Edwin Vandersa, Rio Ferdinand, Nemanja Vidic, Patrice Evra, Gigs, Cristiano Ronald, Michael Carrick, Wayne Rooney Carlos Tevez , and many others, Barcelona had Captain Puyol, Xavi, Iniesta, Messi, Henry, Etoo, Yaya Toure and many others. Sincerely, if we are to compare those mentioned players one by one, Barcelona deserved the win.
The poor tactics of Sir Alex Ferguson. Because if I were him, Paul Scoles was to start the game with Carrick as I need his experience to control Iniesta because he is the “heart” of Barcelona.
The way Ferguson substituted his players was also a factor. You cannot tell me that you are a goal down and substitute Park Ji-sung for Berbatov to play a team like this one which needs a lot of pace, and hard working .I think Fergie had to do this when he is at the top with some two goals. Berbatov could come in like 77 minute due to his style of playing.
The lack of concentration, team spirit among the players of Manchester united. This is seen in players like Cristiano Ronaldo who seems to have lost interest in the team. This manifested its self at the end of the game when players were traveling back to England .They were supposed to dress up well ,put on ties with the clubs log of AIG, but Ronaldo did not put it on.


The marines win again

Podder Apollo.
Nkumba marines gained their past prowess after walloping K.I.U Rangers in what was described as “a man’s game”.
It was tight, but they managed to secure their second victory, last Wednesday when they walloped other basketball clubs like U.C.U Mukono, which was a threat to them in the past basketball league.
Marines won K.I.U on 79-71 at YMCA on Sunday to book themselves a second position on the league table.
Over the weekend, Ndejje Angels over walloped Nkumba Navy 3-2 sets for the male category and 3-0 sets for the female category in favor of Ndejje.


Podder Apollo.
Nkumba Navy (volleyball men) managed to secure another win on Saturday when they played against U.C.U volleyball club 3 sets, but lost one big game to KCC 3-2. Their women (N.U.V.C ladies) won all the games played.

Happy Martyrs day

Happy Martyrs day

Nkumba Times

MOTTO:“The eye of the society”
MISSION: To educate, inform, entertain and transform society .
Created by Nkumba University Journalism Students.

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