Monday, June 15, 2009

The week that was……
Philemon’s Diary.
Nothing much happens as most students are still flashing back on what was going on over the weekend. Class attendance is very low as most students from “shop rite’ are being brought back by those who had picked them for weekend.
TUESDAY: Lecture halls are full and student struggle to complete their course works. The libraries are in use for research. Keep it up.
WENSDAY: Its Martyr’s day and all the routes were leading to Namugango. Pilgrimages from various parts of the world attended the occasion. Students from Nkumba represented the institution, they were given the Bus but they forgot to give them food. For that matter they became “martyrs of hunger”
THURDAY: It was an ordinary day just like any other day.
FRIDAY: World environmental day comes, despite the fact that Uganda is worried of the adverse effects of Global warming; we expected the country to do something on this day. The wild life club is in existence at the university, but the day passes minus a single tree being planted by the club. Is this club really aiming at conserving wild life! Anyway, am yet to find out.
Campus night at vogue, a student tries out a certain stroke but fails to make it and finally gets a dislocation

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