Saturday, June 27, 2009

More campsers get pregnant.

“Dissertation” in 9months on the increase among first-year students.They have been good at tight -marking than their mature counterparts.
By Godfrey Ateu.
It has been observed by medical personnels in the near by health centers, that the number of campus chics becoming pregnant is on the increase. Many of them have been flocking the various Ante-natal care centers for check up as it’s there first time to experience some abnormalities with their tummies.In an interview with one of the experts on expectant mother-related issues, he said “these young girls have lost the plot, we expect girls who are in their final year “off layers”.
They are sexually tired and over used, fit to be layed off in the campus vicinity to be the ones “tight-making” (shifting to the man’s home) and co-habiting because they no longer value hang-outs like Jeckers, S&S you name it.Thier dream is hooking up future husbands unfortunately not their colleagues, because they got no dimes to give the good life that all chics fancy but instead it’s the fresher’s.” Preferring to anormity.Nkumba Times took time to find out in all the schools, and the observation was that SBA was leading in the “dissertation” becoming pregnant, with other schools like SHES, LAW, having the least number.
On asking one girl who’s a victim of circumstance. Her response was, “I’m scared of going home when having a kid who has no father. My father will kill me because he knows I’m a good girl and I have now frustrated him. I will have to remain in my hostel until the end of my course.” .However, she is not the only one affected. She further alleged that many of her friends have succeeded in aborting, but for her, it’s too risky, and it seems to be a death threatening experience. She would rather have it than aborting.This implies that many boys have been “Tree Climbing”, This is the practice where you are directly or indirectly displaced from your room because your roommates or roommates’ friend must entertain his girlfriend in the room.
When Nkumba Times, met with one of the Lectures to get his opinion on this issue, his response was that they are adults by virtue of being above 18 and campusers, they can decide for themselves.However, they are still young when it comes to parenting.

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