Monday, June 15, 2009

Heavy Weight on stage with hot babes.

How today’s elites perceive culture.

Andrew Kiwanuka.
As you remember Uganda recently joined the rest of the world to celebrate the world cultural day, some society commentators who not only cannot interpret the meaning of the word culture but can neither answer it in one paragraph see no need of the whole world commemorate such days.

Here is a fascinating glimpse of how Uganda’s modern so called intellectuals, significant people, opinion leaders, the learned, elites, name them------ regard culture. To many, it is Witch craft which is the use of magical powers more so evil ones. This assumption is very abominable which should be reversed. They say who ever believes in culture is allergic to modernization, vogue and dynamism.

There is a belief that Africans in particular and some others in the developing world, Asia and South Africa inclusive have two religions; one being the traditional and the second being that brought by the colonialists. Research shows that even if the so called middle class of Africa go to church every Sundays and mosques every Fridays plus fulfilling other religious obligations like tithing, praying five times a day, fasting during the holy month of Ramadhan and making pilgrimages to Mecca and Medina (for Muslims), the list is endless- such people will not hesitate to go to shrines to perform certain rituals for wealth, power or relationships. This perhaps explains why they do not really understand the proper meaning of culture.

The intermingling of the Western culture and our own has further aggravated the mental handicap in elites who think that whatever culture is imported from the West is the best. When comparisons are made between the two, the African setting cannot compete. Yet the reverse would score highly.

Culture engulfs the political, socio-economic settings including the unending wrangles in Busoga kingdom ever since the death of Kyabazinga Wako Wambuzi, eating habits, dressing codes, marriages and all other moral principles.
In fact, when put on a weighing scale, Africa’s culture is the best followed by the Asian and the South American follows. It is unfortunate that the Western culture which our intellectuals regard as the best is actually the worst. This explains why some such ventures such as take a ways, barbecues, snacks are irrelevant here for they contradict our eating habits. Above all, we have all the time to prepare our food and sit for an hour on the mat as a family and eat quietly.

Today’s elites should actually make the best use of our desired culture to promote sectors of tourism and trade. Have you ever imagined the cultural centers that Buganda Kingdom alone has; look at the tombs, the palaces not forgetting the good morals inculcated in their children? How much foreign exchange would they fetch if they had been uplifted and preserved? It is the negative attitude of the significant people against African culture that has caused all this loss.

Of recent a village in the sub county of Goma, in one of the central districts called Mukono experienced a tragedy emanating from what was regarded as a period of transition from traditionalism to a pre-condition to take off stage. One resident who converted to born again was advised by his pastor to burn a shrine and abandon all the cultural practices including carrying out sacrifices and performing other rituals. This he did it urgently because he was advised that he would miss to go straight to heaven as his creator was unhappy with his idolatry condemned in the scriptures.

On burning them, he ran mad and mutilated his wife and one of his sons. The pastors prayed for the demons to get out of him but in vain and now he has sold his belongings and resorted to begging. This should be a good lesson to the elites who are converting from traditional to western religions. You can covert from any religion as many times as you can but never attempt to demolish culture because destroying your culture means destroying yourself.

The other danger is the recognition that our elites fetch from these below the ladder. Today a professor goes to the village and advises inhabitants to stop gathering for the last funeral rites as well as abandoning traditional marriage systems claiming that are out dated. Surprisingly, his advises though may not be taken immediately but at least may be considered to some extent. But it should also be noted that Not every professor is a cultural expert, so their theories should always be questioned.

In conclusion, culture should be differentiated from cult. Fellow intellectuals, lets join hands to preserve, understand, love and make the best use of our culture instead of criticizing it in favor of every European style whether good or bad. As the saying goes, “like perfume, compliments should be inhaled not swallowed.” Let’s change the perception that culture means indulging in evil acts but that it is art, literature, customs, Social institutions, music and other intellectual expressions of a particular society and lastly we should avoid culture shock.

First day experience at campus.
Adults describe University as a place to explore your future and a place to define who you are.

Philemon Badagawa.
The vacation is still on, but running towards it’s expiration, it’s worth a vacation but you and I are both committed to that day ,two or three years down the line when that little sibling in your family walks across the stage to receive a degree.
The path to that day will be a challenging one , but of course ,it’s not automatic that one just assumes a degree, yes you can assume, but in reality it is not so. The first day of a student’s university life is a crucial first step along that path and the first foot step into the University is worth mentioning and makes sense to me at University to put into account what is called “first-day experience” at campus.
Nkumba University is a place to be and most importantly where my experience of the first day “dilemma” came to its fulfillment. After a long journey, I was finally at the gates of Nkumba University. I could at least see two people seated inside a shed-room on my left hand side just besides the main gate.
They were none other than the gate keepers, as expected of them, they did the needful,-I mean opening and closing, the gate for they are paid for. Culturally saying hello to a visitor shows some kind of hospitality, but to these duty minded men at the gate, it’s “news”.
Being time conscious and very eager to seeing my dream come into complete reality, I could not afford to wait for the far long fetched reply, after all I had been allowed in and the only option left was to proceed into the University. ‘After all a bad beginning makes a good ending” I consoled myself.
I decided to continue and I could see people, probably students, I imagined.No wonder, I decided to proceed, forgetting that I was not certain of which offices to go to and of the many, which one to begin with. I had no one to blame but I, myself was to blame.
Psychologically confused as I was, I decided to stand still and observe what others were doing. Surprisingly, I was not an “island”-I mean there were more confused new students than I was, only that they could not seek for assistance and I even regretted as to why I had missed the orientation week.
Everything I knew about University was second-hand information. For years, I have had adults describe University as a place to explore your future and a place to define who you are and not forgetting the foolish assumption by most students in high schools-“campus life”. It was really a challenging moment. It was time to prove and disapprove my long awaited expectations at University.
Unlike in secondary schools where students are dressed in uniforms, students at University were not in uniforms and I could only see people dressed like “ambassadors”. This alone made me fail to get a right person to consult. The only solution was to identify someone who had completed the registration process.
Though I was not certain of the next step, I could not fail to observe the events happening. On my right was a young girl, a fresher I can say, dressed in a light blue kitenge which was enriched by the silver earrings and necklace, she had gone through all the necessary registration procedures and what was remaining was a final ward to her parents. I was waiting for her last ward-goodbye, to her parents and perhaps consult her, not for love; but for proper directions to the different offices that she had gone to.
Surprisingly, I saw the little girl wave to her parents off, and then had a good cry. Her running tears made my plans which would have seen me out of the confusion a nightmare.
Given the fact that she was a girl, assistance could easily be offered to her. On her far right stood a gentleman who looked smart, healthy, responsible and elderly, about 60 years. I believe this man was just waiting for an opportunity and perhaps, God had come to his rescue and had answered his long awaited fruitless prayers.
“…. don’t mind Nkumba is the best University to be, it’s located on the high way to London and when the Queen of England comes to Uganda, her first sight of a University in Uganda is Nkumba, so you’re among the few lucky people ………….”that was the man’s “manifesto”, but thank God that she was finally led to Nabagereka and not to a lodge at S&S.
I decided to make myself busy by reading the admission letter. Lucky enough the admission had some directions, “…..on arrival, present your payment receipts to the academic registrar’s office ……” a statement in the admission letter read.
It was a promising statement and at this”.
I humbly did the needful and moved to the academic registrar’s office.
“Ko…ko…ko…” I feebly did knock the door. Not forgetting the bad reception at the gate, I was warmly welcomed into the office. And in a couple of minutes, I felt at home and gained the courage and strength that I had lost at the beginning.
I presented my documents and I was given a certificate of registration and an authority card. Being given a valid identity card in form of an authority card showed that I had become a certified student of the University. It was a great success and my dream of becoming a future journalist was on it’s way to reality. Though I was fresh in the environment, I never bothered of being called a fresher, after all those with PhD’s were also once fresher’s.
I was to reside in one of the University Halls of residence which were located out side the campus. This time I sought for directions lest I got lost on the way to my next home to be. The distance was considerable and after getting lost on the way due to the university’s crude directions on how to get to the hostel in which I had been allocated, I finally arrived and eventually found my room where I was to dump my stuff. I finally found myself settled and kept on wondering as to why I was worrying so much.
Probably, every one will have a different experience and just as I was, some of you will find the first day not as interesting as you expected it, but the one who laughs last, laughs best and laughs longest and I was finally out of the “net”.

Nkumba Times Gets a Warm

By, Andrew Kiwanuka
he fact that it came at the most opportune moment when the 2009/10 guild campaigns were on, Nkumba times a new and promising news publication initiated by Nkumba University journalism students has enjoyed a good start and welcome by not only the university’s internal publics but also the external publics; the community in the vicinity, the parents, guardians, university suppliers and the alumni.
The paper performed big tasks during the campaigns through assessing, providing updates and opinion polls. These were
based on research, consultations considering the major principles of news reporting; objectivity, accuracy, balance and fairness not forgetting attribution. For those who have been following all the publication’s stories will agree with me that every point put forward was not baseless. The last opinion poll put Okebe Nathan in the lead, no wonder he emerged the winner.
Some readers were heard lamenting that Nkumba Times had greatly contributed to the failure of their candidates because it revealed all their weaknesses. But they should also bear in mind that all other competitors were put in the lime light showing their strength and weaknesses. However, they promise to continue reading every story published in Nkumba Times due to their proximity, importance and novelty.
Some of Kampala’s tabloids including the Red pepper have also recognized the presence of Nkumba Times and have sent congratulatory messages and applauded the publication for the efforts aimed at educating and transforming society.
The University administration also upbeats Nkumba Times, for strengthening the four c’s’; creativity, character, courage and competence. Therefore, whoever reads the publication is helping the University in achieving the above four and whoever is against Nkumba Times’ efforts, does not fight reporters or the publication but does what the former president of Uganda Idi Amin did; expelling the Asian community from Uganda starting with those who were holding British passports. Of course, the Asians suffered from this inhuman act but the former dictator wanted to punish
Students struggle to read Nkumba Times.

Britain indirectly since most of them would go there.
In conclusion, Nkumba Times, wishes to congratulate it’s readers and wishes them a cool enjoyment of every edition. We should join hands to make sure the paper prospers through advertising with it, marketing it and most importantly endeavor to read every news story in the publication because they are fully researched, objective and yield results. Nkumba Times is ready to face all the challenges and will not rest on its laurels.
Campus Dating and Friendship.
Nkumba University, females as well as males, feel that dating is in fact a favor-debt situation.
By; Godfrey Ateu.
any of the problems of dating at campus stem from a difference in attitude, writes Ateu.One person thinks of the date in terms of a friendship, and the other one sees it as a debt-metaphor situation. Suppose Solo takes Cathy out for dinner and a movie, and at the end of the evening Solo expects “Something” in return for his investment. Solo has chosen to view the situation as a favor-debt situation; he see’s Cathy as being indebted to him. Cathy, however, is upset, because she viewed the situation as a friendship situation, with no favor and debts. In essence, Cathy doesn’t owe Solo a thing, because Solo’s gesture was not presented as a “quid pro qou” situation to begin with but as an overture to friendship. The situation would have been more complex had Cathy agreed with Solo in the beginning that the dinner and movie were to be a “business arrangement” to be “paid off” later in the evening.
A survey from some semesters/quarters carried out by Nkumba Times, showed that shockingly, a majority of Nkumba University, females as well as males, feel that dating is in fact a favor-debt situation. In that case we must say that if both participants agree, then so be it.
A Couple having a great moment.

There is however, a good old word for when someone sells physical favors for material goods; that word is Prostitution. In such a situation, the one who is “bought” becomes merely a means to an end. What can you do if you want to avoid a favor-debt situation on a date? For one thing, you can insist on going Dutch. Both of you probably make the same kind of money these days (dependants), so, why should one of you pay for the other?
Remember, nobody should expect payment for doing someone an unsolicited favor (if the people involved aren’t friends), and nobody should expect anything of your date, and you shouldn’t feel pressured by your date to repay anything.
Be careful not to abuse this rule, though. One girl commented that “it’s great to be able to be taken to dinner and a movie and not have to do anything in return!” with this attitude, she reduces her date to becoming merely the means to an end, and that’s not the idea.

Pregnant mother at campus worried about the forthcoming exams.
What types of articles dose Nkumba Times consider?
We are delighted to receive articles for publication-from journalists and students on social, political and economic issues affecting campus and the neighborhood.

We give priority to articles that will help campusers get informed, educated and entertained and if you would like to submit an article do so via our online editorial office at

All articles are submitted, although we may invite submission(without promising acceptance) if we come across researched articles presented from schools, if we see it in abstract form, or if the authors make an inquiry about the suitability of their work before submission.

We are also pleased to consider submitted articles for sections which carry a mix of commissioned and submitted articles-campus news,observations,head to head,comments,reviews,fashion,sports ,feature,health,letters,analysis are commissioned by the editors.

Kintu hall.
The organizers of one of the political parties in the country faced a setback as most campusrs failed to attend the inauguration of the party in the University. The organizer who is Dickson, a social science student first year showed anger has most people did not didn’t attend, but had he confidence that it will be a strong party come next semester. About s even people attended the meeting.

The new University Cabinet is to receive all documents pertaining with the Guild Office on Wenesday.The out going cabinet lead by Rengo Jr. will official handover to the incoming cabinet lead by H.E Okebe Nathan. In attendance will be the V.C prof.Paul Mugabi, Dean of students Mr.Kasasa and the Academic Registrar on the main campus sports ground. All students have been called upon to come and witness.
Unidentified student from the school of business almost went into comma when she checked out for her results. This occurred at the school of business first floor. The student is believed to be a 2nd year doing a diploma in business administration. She was saved by her friends who managed to offer first aid before finally being taken to the clinic. She had gotten herself 4retakes, a friend said, and this could all have been caused by the issue of 100,000 for a retake.

Editorial: Philemon Badagawa & Godfrey Ateu,

In case you have any good stories, please send them for publication.

And if you have got any interesting jokes, feel free to forward them.

For Details Call 0774768961.
DP asks Mengo to ignore Museveni.
Ugandans blamed for not working hard.
Andrew Kiwanuka.
he Democratic Party (DP) has continued to urge Mengo to ignore President Yoweri Museveni’s plea of isolating opposition politicians writes Kiwanuka.
“Museveni forgets that there are many NRM members in Mengo. The Kabaka makes appointments on one’s merit regardless of one’s political or religious inclination”, DP president John Ssebaana Kizito told journalists on Thursday. Citing Betty Nambooze, the DP spokes person, the president has always complained that the opposition has infiltrated Mengo and were using the institution to fight the government. “Those of us in Mengo are there because we are Baganda and because of our ability. The Kabaka looks for ability not political ideologies” Ssebaana said.
DP is still condemning the president for calling the Kabaka kyewaggula (rebellious), ignoring Mengo’s request for federalism among other things including not giving the region priority in matters of development yet it is the heart of the nation.
Recently NRM members used state house as a venue to discuss their party issues yet it is supposed to be a national asset which should not consider only NRM party members but rather every Ugandan including opposition parties.
Nambooze refuted president Museveni’s message to the Namugongo pilgrims of working hard instead of talking. She said, Ugandans can not be blamed for not working hard because the NRM government has not created a conducive environment for Ugandans to work hard. She emphasized that the NRM and president Museveni have promoted corruption, tribalism and regional imbalances which have left Buganda kingdom lagging behind in terms of development despite the Baganda’s efforts to fight poverty.
Students concentrate for the end of semester exams.
“The week in quotes”
“it’s great to be able to be taken to dinner and a movie and not have to do anything in return!”
”I have not found any hardships in being a mess minister, but I thank God, I have ended my reign very well”…
“Becoming a lawyer and the president of Uganda at one time”….
“Yeah! That was it; I downed my first bottle, and yearned for more”…
“The University administration also upbeats Nkumba Times, for strengthening the four c’s’; creativity, character, courage and competence”….
Compiled by Ateu.
I will become a president of Uganda
James Mubi
Khalayi Catherine is a first year law student, from Manafwa district, she is a strong politician and loves serving people; she is the right honorable deputy speaker guild, doubles as deputy speaker law society, Member of Parliament Nabagereka Hall and coordinator Bamasaba Students Association. James Mubi of Nkumba Times talked to her and below are the excerpts.

Q. Where did you grow up from?
A. Mbale district.
Q. What schools did you attend?
A. Primary-Nauyo primary school in Mbale, O-level: Bubulo Girls high school, served as class counselor from S1-S3 and assistant Head Girl in S4, A-level: Kyambogo College School, served as Head Girl and now at Nkumba varsity.
Q. What were your childhood ambitions?
A. Becoming a lawyer and the president of Uganda at one time.
Q. Do your parents support your decision to become a lawyer?
A. Yes, they are very happy because my dream has come true.
Q. Are you the only child in your family?
A No, we are 12 children in our family.
Q. Who inspires you?
A. My daddy.
Q. Did you like politic as a child?
A. Yes. I really loved politics.
Q. How interested were you in politics as a child?
A. I used to stand for leadership posts right from primary.
Q. Are you the only politician in your family?
A No, we are all politicians because every human being is born a politician.
Q. How can children become politicians like you?
A. By developing the love to serve people.
Q. As the deputy speaker guild, how do you intend to lift the status of women at campus?
A. I will inspire them to read very hard for r the bright future.
Q. As a Member of Parliament Nabagereka Hall, what challenges do you face?
A. Inadequate services from the varsity administration.
Q. Do you support Domestic Relations Bill?
A. No.
Q. Why?
A. Because of the need to have stable families.
Khalayi Catherine, deputy speaker guild
Q. Have you ever been marginalized as a woman?
A. Yes and this is normally done by men who think women are inferior.
Q. What do you have to say about the 100.000 shillings retake fee?
A. It has to be abolished and pay the usual 20.000shillings.
Q. What is your marital status?
A. Single and contended.
Q. Where do you see yourself twenty years to come?
A. I see myself as a strong politician and a great judge.
Q. How often do men make love advances on you?
A. Endless times.
Q. How do you spend your free time?
A. Reading and interacting with friends.
The youths can create their jobs.
Philemon Badagawa.
As Uganda’s population growth rate increases today, everyone has a different perspective about it. To the politicians, it means more votes because the more the population, the better for a politician to fulfill his or her political ambitions. And the same applies to a businessman, an increase in the population will lead to an increase in the demand for goods and services which is vital for a country’s economic progress.
However, Uganda’s high population growth rate may not be the case. The high rate of unemployment among the youths is partly due to the high population growth. The rate at which the population is increasing is not the same at which jobs are being created. This is why there are many able bodied youths wondering on the streets of Uganda with almost nothing to keep them busy.
Some youths have now turned to pick pocketing, drug abuse, gambling among other unhealthy habits because of the high level of idleness. Worse still, the girls have resorted to prostitution as a way of surviving under the disguise of lacking a stable job.
Uganda is naturally gifted with an almost tropical climate and fertile soils that can favor agriculture. If you do not mind, get involved in farming activities or try to create your own jobs as away of reducing on the high rate of idleness.
Basing on Uganda’s education system which is more theoretical than practical, students’ minds are focused on the already existing jobs which are very few as compared to these who need them.Therfore the youths should use the knowledge got from education to be more creative and form their own jobs.
In the early days, people were so creative and every one in the society had what to do. Not because the government had the jobs, but because they were hardworking and went ahead to create their own jobs and the same idea can be borrowed today to overcome unemployment.
The high rate of immorality which is as a result of unemployment in our society today was almost unheard of because the parents were kin on their children.
Today it is very hard for a parent to monitor the activities of their children due to great exposure to dirty forms of literature. To make it worse, some parents are not exemplary and this has resulted into poor child upbringing.
To a child, a parent is the first role model and one grows knowing that whatever the parent does, is taken to be the right thing however bad something might be. But imagine a situation where the parent is that kind of person who wears min skirts, what will the daughter think of. She will definitely grow up knowing that this is the best dressing code.
Above all, parents should join the struggle to shape the morals of their off spring. The parents should give birth to a favorable number of children they can look after as far as morals are concerned.
The government should come in as a second party in dealing away with immorality, but the parents should play a key role in this struggle. It is surprising that the population is greatly increasing amidst the various family planning methods. People should make use of these services to see that population increase is controlled.

Vogue mystery.
Cursta podder.
There is one thing that keeps on boggling in my brain whenever I visit this club (vogue discotheque). It is about 100m away from our main gate way. I assume, no body does not knows it location, neither a clubber nor not.
As a writer, as well as a journalist, I’m obliged to visit such happening places for the stories; But once in while, and that is Friday, a free day entrance to our only nearby disco club which lasts long in many freshers’ vocabularies, not until their brothers and sis’ join them in September that the burden of frequenting and polluting the vogue atmosphere is lessened.
One time, of course, this very semester though I was still “fresh”, but with at least an average knowledge about the varsity and its entire vicinity. I knew about all happening places surrounding the campus from meters to kilometers, Jeekers, S&S, Travelers, and not forgetting vogue disco club. I had adventured such places at the beginning of my first academic year in Nkumba. Now days I’m down for the clubbing game and now turning in to concentrate on my acting, dancing, and education career. I felt like I was bothering myself so much and wasting all my resources for no good. I partly reduced on the times of visiting such happening places, and hope to jolt it out of my mind completely, or else when I get a cool fresh chic of the forthcoming intake. If am not crazy enough, I have visited these places less than three times compared to the other past semester where I can not even remember the times I clubbed and partied.
After a long time from the beginning of this semester, my one chap confined me to go and at least have some little fun; in fact, I had no option than succumbing to his soft request. We two prepared after our usual super. I was really bored but I had nothing to do at that moment, I felt could have stayed back to practice my dance but still could not do. “Come on, as you are not happy. This damn place pisses you off now days”, he said. “Yes! It bores me mob “T””, I replied. “but you used to like it so much in the past semester or you have reformed, or chics do bad for you”, he added. “I don’t fit here it is of cheap grades now”, I said.
I bought myself a bottle of Guinness and a soda for him, we started sipping, until he downed his, and after a will, he got on the dance floor to shake his bones like a snake man. I continued to gallop my Guinness as well as watching those dancing. since the dance floor was too small to allow me explore my real Hip Hop dance styles imported from America. While I was still seated, I saw some fairly dresses lady with a gaunt look. I stared at her exotic and obvious style with countfeit imitated dance flow of Knowles and lousy copy of Ciara’s sexy body shakes. But, I can not forget to say that were fake only to a professional like me, and vice versa. I’m blessed to say, she was far better than all girls on the dance floor. She danced to sweat, with no drink to chill her sweat down. My friend who did not know that I was starring at this very girl boring many dance swaggers, also tried the venture, to be bored too. Whenever she could turn her eyes to have a glimpse of me, I could swing my head the opposite side since I never wanted her to notice that, my eyes were at any moment snapping her. Of which I played successful up to the time I want it to last.
Yeah! That was it; I downed my first bottle, and yearned for more. So I bought another bottle of the same brand and a soda for my friend too. Their, she gave me a scornful glimpse as I strode back to relax my bottle on a stool around me. And, I tried to get myself into dancing moods since the deejay had started playing my favorite grooves. I danced toward her direction, and she also faced me depicting her willingness to dance alongside me. Of course I realized the mistakes others where making, and tried my best to perfect on them before I thought of soliciting for a dance romance from her. I threw my steps slowly but professionally like any body who as ever clubbed in his life. I felt her sexy bums and buried my head in her soft buxom. After a couple of minutes, she softly murmured to me and I never got it well, so called I called for her pardon. I said “speak-up. Please! I have not heard you”. “Don’t pretend, you have heard me say”, she argued. “Come on girl. Honestly, I didn’t here. Besides this is a noisy place and you spoke in a low tone”, I explained. “Sorry”, she said a little bit louder than the first time. “I feel thirsty do you mind if you offer me a drink”, she said with a piercing smile. That I felt through rigid heart. “Which kinda drink”, I relaxed my own to state. “Any soft drink, hard ones no!” she stressed. I was not hard since I was loaded. I made some overlapping strides toward the club boring counter, pack with only cheap soft drinks. I got her some three bottles from different brands. “Is this all for me”, she tried to wondered. “I’m not bothered any more with anybody who drinks sodas; I could bring over a curette full of them. That’s very little. Enjoy your own, girl!” And, I felt I was richer than ‘Bill Gates.’ Sooner a made an excuse to pick a phone call, she never hesitated since I was the boss. I came back with another big excuse of an agent call from my best friend who is on his way from Dubai, and I’m to pick-him-up from the Airport at about this very time. In fact I’m late, but hope to get their in time. Now I had to leave her a great promise of calling her as sooner as possible. Neither did I call nor meet anymore time up to date. I managed to copy her looks, though she didn’t. I’m a rear man to understand and chics to me are merely my fans and nothing beyond that. Just believe it, although it puzzles a lot. This is the real game for all poor “G”, who storm vogue discotheque every Friday.

Guild president worried.

r. Okebe Nathan is wondering whether he will be inaugurated or remain President elect. Mr. Okebe, and his political team face a big financial challenge so far in just 2 weeks from his political victory that went without throwing a party for his fans. Nkumba Times, has reliably learnt that, the hand over party which was supposed to take place on Friday, 5th June, was postponed to Wednesday 10th June, due to inadequate funding from the Administration. A Cabinet Minister who is not authorized to speak to the press said that the Administration only gave out 4m but the guild opted for 6m.

Showbiz watch.
By; Phillip Masembe
Catch The ‘bataka squad’ together with their luga flow hip hop revolution in their newly launched night ‘the spoken truth’ every Tuesday at club rouge, an event that calls for self expression under all aspects in as far as hip hop music, poetry and fashion as well. Thanks to shila, Babaluku and Krazy Native (bataka squad). Catch the crazy campus night escapades every Tuesday at club Silk and Thursday at Angenoir discotheque featuring performances from Uganda award wining artists.
For all the campus rock music lovers, catch the ‘rock nite’every Wednesday at steak out bar along Lumumba avenue with all the latest and hottest rock music.
Who is your hero and why?
9th June is Heroes day, and Philemon Badagawa brings you a list of people that students refer to as their Heroes.
Nelson (SHES): My hero is some one doing secretarial studies. Because of various reasons, but let me reserve them to myself.
Andrew (Journ): Mine is dead, he is Idi Amini. Because he expelled all the Indians who had monopolized our economy.
Faridah (Journ) My husband of course, he has done a lot and there are many reasons as to why he is my hero.
Jude (Educ) Prof.PLE Lumumba,a great lawyer in Kenya.He is a good orator.
Dickison (SBA) Mr. Kasasa,the Dean of students,he provides good meals for the residents.
Betty (Counc) My sweet heart,Reason –they are private
Priscilla(Journ) My dad
Sam (Journ) Kabalega,he greatly resisted the British.
Zam Zam,Mugabe because he is against the whites.
Angel (Educ) 1,23,she counts before laughing,who is that,Ican’t tell,there are very many.
Nash…. H.E Museveni,he has done a lot for Uganda
Johnson (Educ) Definitely God,He has given me life
The fate of Uganda’s Boxers after retirement.

By David Isabirye.
akanga (real identity forsaken), sited on a wooden stool in a spacious leafy compound looks isolated and worried.
His right hand is supporting his cheek while the other is scratching his itchy foot and his eyes have glued at a particular spot on his one room housing unit.
He is donned in a worn out pink T-Shirt with a blue faded pair of jeans decimated by numerous patches and his foot wear spells out his plight-he is putting on yellowish dirt-coated slippers locally baptized “niigina”. Truth be told, this grey haired gentleman, estimated to be in early 40’s is probably embedded in deep thoughts pondering his next move for the day.
In the vicinity, there is a grazing goat, a small mud and wattle store and an orthodox Panasonic radio in the compound playing the famed David Lutalo’s song “Batusosola”. Two young boys are singing along to the 2008 PAM Award winning hit “Abaavu tebatwagala….Abaavu batusosola”-literally meaning “We the poor are loathed…and discriminated”. As if in positive affirmation to the message in the lyrics, Makanga rhythmically nods his head.
Makanga, a former boxing gold medalist for Uganda in the light weight category in the 1980’s and late 90’s is living a lifestyle that has become the norm for many a Ugandan Sporting practioneer. Outstanding sports personalities in different events have enjoyed industrious and twilight spot lights only for them to fade in the aftermath of their careers. At least three of every five Ugandan sportsman’s life has drastically followed the “Makanga trend”. “It will not therefore take a pathological liar to claim who knows the remedy of the rather declining Uganda’s boxing fortunes and thus help to restore parity, the love and commitment back to the darling boxing event as well as the entire multi-billion sporting fraternity in the country”
These supreme sportsmen have majestically and patriotically represented their dear motherlands with passion, zeal, determination, diligence, enthusiasm, and sacrifice. Eventually, following their superb and spirited displays they are forced to join the dependents and beggar’s class. Poor planning and saving culture, loss of form, injuries and inevitably advanced age are the some of the primary factors that lead to the retirement of the athletes.
“Tragedies shake people awake”, they say. It is definitely too late for those it ruthlessly claim, but well in time for those half ways down the same path. It is therefore incumbent upon the current breed of keen sportsmen to plan diligently ahead of schedule for their respective lives after retirement.
Failure to plan for their respective careers and life after their retirement, otherwise illustrious careers spell disaster and only requires the timely intervention of the Devine hand from heaven to salvage the situation. Talent nurturing (guidance) is yet another measure that the veteran sporting cults ought to pass on free of charge to the current generation of players.
It has happened to the best of them in all the sporting disciplines (read Mike Tyson, Evander Holyfield-boxing, Paul Gascogine,Diego Maradona, Adriano- Football , Magic Johnson and Marion Jones-Athletics, and Uganda’s Stephen Birungi-Golf, extra; all of whom have had respectable sporting careers only to ‘put them to waste’ and live regrettable lives thereafter. The failure for Evander Holyfield for instance to plan for life outside the ring has meant his overstay in the ring at a greater risk of his health.
Like the famous heavy weight boxing king in the world, Mohammed Ali, many boxers in the world over have paid a huge price for their mastery in the ring with the Parkinson’s disease. Uganda’s boxers are no exception- many of the Butabika patients are former boxers who are drug addicts and have had million of blows showered on their heads at the expense of their dear lives.
It will not therefore take a pathological liar to claim who knows the remedy of the rather declining Uganda’s boxing fortunes and thus help to restore parity, the love and commitment back to the darling boxing event as well as the entire multi-billion sporting fraternity-lest many of the country’s sportsmen and women are bound to follow the Makanga life style of disappointments, daily worries and hatred.


The wind of change is blowing at campus by one innovative man Pooda Cursta, a prominent Nkumba Times writer. Pooda has introduced a drama club known as Flammers drama group. The group that started from a scratch, now boosts of over 60 committed members, entrance is free. On Sunday, June3, at 8pm, a meeting was held at SK1 building to sensitize aspiring actors, actresses, dancers, musicians to take their drama careers seriously. Okwaput Solomon a group member said these encouraging words “Peter Miles used to walk from Entebbe to town to record his music.” I went on the streets of Nkumba varsity asked students what they make of drama group, many expressed willingness to join the group Nabukwesi Brenda said “it’s a dream come true to me because I really longed to become an actress in fact this is golden opportunity.” History has revealed that it’s the first of its kind at Nkumba varsity to have such a vibrant drama group, the group has got legal authority to start operating. Nkumba Times asked the academic registrar how he felt about the group; he appreciated the efforts of group members, saying it’s in line with the 4 Cs that is “creativity, confidence, character, competence” of the varsity. Namuli Rachael, a student of community based development and the group’s secretary said “we are determined to take this drama group tom another level.” Watch out for the next meeting on Sunday, June7, at 8pm. SKI building.

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