Monday, June 15, 2009

First year law students get excited.
Appearance does matter but the world looks at you the way you look.
Most of them have never gotten the chance to shake hands with their patron.

By; Godfrey Ateu.

Nkumba University law school will be celebrating it’s lawyers day and this has left many first year law students excited and anxious for the day as they do the count down of days to the ceremony. “this will be my most memorable day in the school of law” one said, and with a lot of happiness, he also said that he has ordered for the most expensive suit for the occasion. A fight was almost staged when one of the students dissed the others that that could be their last day in the law school because he can’t stand arguing at the lawyer’s bench.

Most first year students don’t know their law school patron but come Friday 15th May, they will be in position to see and interact with Ugandan’s Attorney General Kiddu Makubuya, who will be the guest speaker and in attendance will be Lady Leticia Kikonyogo, who’s their patron and the organizers.

However Law students in Nkumba don’t like attending Makerere lawyer’s day because they say they are served less unlike NULAS where all are taken care of with those dressed for the occasion from other schools in the campus.

It’s on this day that most law students prove their dress code and happen to know most of their colleagues in the law fraternity because it happens once in a year.
However, some section of the students claim not to be informed of the day, and yet others blame their Law school president for not doing his work has they threaten to sack him. In vain to try reaching the president, his phone was off.

Lawyer’s day is celebrated in all Universities offering law and it’s under the law society of which Nkumba University is a member.

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